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Daily Routines for the Student Player

by Mountain Peak Music
Price $ 19.95

Daily Routines for the Student Player is appropriate for musicians at all levels.

Daily Routines for the Student Player is a systematic approach to help student musicians develop and maintain fundamental horn skills. Designed to challenge students but not overwhelm them, there are eight routines: Beginning, Air, Overtone Series, Intermediate, Ear Training, B-flat Instrument, Duet/Intonation, and Advanced Routine. Each routine incorporates the following skill categories: long tones and mouthpiece buzzing, crescendo/diminuendo, lip slurs, accuracy and dynamic changes, alternating tongued and slurred between intervals, articulation and technique, high and low playing. By applying these skill categories as a template to each routine, students are sure to develop all of their skills equally.

“These are studies which will prepare the lips and musculature to safely and effectively perform in all registers with flexibility, fluidity, and strength, at all dynamic levels. They might just be the nearest thing to a secret strategy that a horn player will find.” — Lowell Greer, Orchestral Hornist, Chamber Musician, Soloist, Educator, and Horn Maker

Trombonist David Vining is the founder and co-owner of Mountain Peak Music, a publishing company devoted to offering innovative, healthy teaching methods for all musicians. Mountain Peak Music represents Mr. Vining’s personal mission, combining his extensive performing and teaching background with insights learned through his remarkable recovery from embouchure dystonia.

Mr. Vining is a dynamic performer who has delivered hundreds of recitals nationwide. As trombonist with the Chestnut Brass Company, he recorded several CD’s and toured the United States and Europe performing recitals, masterclasses, and concerts with orchestras. Currently a member of the Flagstaff Symphony, he has performed with the Cincinnati Symphony, Kansas City Symphony and the Philadelphia Orchestra. Mr. Vining has appeared on college campuses coast-to-coast in recital and as a guest soloist with ensembles, and recorded a solo CD, Arrows of Time.

Currently Professor of Trombone at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona, Mr. Vining has also served on the faculties of the University of Kansas and the University of Cincinnati’s College-Conservatory of Music. A native of Cocoa, Florida, Mr. Vining resides in Flagstaff with his wife Leslie, daughter Sarah and son Benjamin.

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